Monday, 25 November 2013

Lesson 31-33: The Personal Study

Lesson Aims: To complete a final evaluation of your prep work which will form your Personal Study for Unit 3. The Personal Study must be completed as part of Unit 3, it is a requirement that you complete a written assignment as part of Unit 3. 

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Understand what you need to write for your personal study
2. Complete proof reading exercises
3. Understand how to format your personal study (including quotes, references, bibliography and image sources)
4. Complete a first draft
5. Assess another students work
6. Respond to peer assessment and complete a second draft

You can download the personal study workbook HERE

Lesson 1: 
  • Introduction to the Personal Study
  • Proof Reading Exercises
  • Discussion of content and formatting of personal study
  • Completing detailed notes for first draft

Lesson 2:
  • Creation of first draft
  • First draft word processed and printed for following lesson

Lesson 3:
  • Proof reading with peers (you must have your printed first draft)
  • Second draft word processed following peer feedback

To complete your personal study. Your study must be completed and shared with me via google drive before your lesson on Monday -


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Visiting Speaker

If you're interested in attending sign up on the poster by the Textiles room! 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Lessons 28-30: Final Sampling

Lesson Aims: To produce a final sample to scale which will act as a prototype for your final design

Lesson Objectives:
1. Produce a final to scale sample*
2. Go back through all prep - ensure all samples and research relate to your intended outcome
3. Present design development work in sketchbook/on boards
* there is no set size for this, it needs to be to scale based on your design e.g. if you are embroidering imagery onto your outcome you should scale up and work a section of the design to size! 

Reflect on your final design considering the following points:
1. Does anything need to be changed?
2. Does it relate technically to your research?
3. Does it use the best techniques from your prep work?
4. Does it have the WOW factor
If the answer is NO to any of the above you need to act upon it! This may mean…

  • Additional artist/designer research
  • Additional samples
  • Altering your final design
  • etc! 
Ensure that your final design is presented in your sketchbook/on boards. This should be presented alongside your scale sample and should include an illustration/collage and a visualisation in an appropriate setting. 

1. Complete 'scale' sample
2. Present work as outlined above with visualisation and illustration/collage 
3. Ensure all work is up to date 
You will be submitting your sketchbooks/boards on this lesson for assessment ensure you have all work with you to submit! 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Lessons 25-27: Problem solving

Lesson Aims: To 'problem solve' your final design 

Lesson Objectives:
1. Identify 2 or 3 'problems' that you need to address with your design
2. Complete 3 samples that will fix the problems identified 
3. One to one to discuss progress  

Problem Solving….
Identify a list of problems that you will need to solve in order to create your final piece. Make notes in the back of your sketchbook.
Lingerie - how do you adapt square samples to corset shapes and straps?
Lampshade - you need to buy the shade! how will the panels connect visually? will you combine plain and patterned panels? What will these be made of? What shape will the lampshade be?

Create 3 samples that will solve your problems 


Still looking for inspiration? Have a look on the pinterest boards

Complete samples and present in sketchbook/on boards

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Lesson 23 and 24: Planning your final piece

Lesson Aims: To plan your final piece referring to the work of your chosen Fashion/Interior Designer or Textile Artist 

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Present your selected Fashion/Interior Designer or Textile Artist 
2. Create a plan for your final piece 
3. Use existing samples to explore design ideas for your final piece 

Ensure with all activities that you refer to your chosen Fashion/Interior Designer or Textile Artist - ensure that you incorporate aspects of their working style in your final piece. 
Use the photocopier or projector to enlarge fabric samples and see them on the body
Drape material and pin fabric samples onto mannequin 
Create sketches/Visualisations to show design ideas 
Photograph all activities to document the process 

Eleanor Hardwick - projection onto figure

Draping Activities by East London Design Student Sarah Turner - MORE HERE

Erin Petson - Fashion Illustration
Visualisation AS Textile Students 

Interiors/Textile Artists
Decide on an enlargement and/or cropping approach or a repeat pattern design for compositions for interiors 
Photocopy samples/drawings/photographs/etc to create designs and compose in paper
Photograph activities (well necessary) 

Collage with colour, photocopies, photographs, drawings to create repeat patterns - Marten Jelle
Mixed media compositions combining photocopies, fabrics and drawings
Monoprinting to explore repeat pattern - Jo Faulkner
Visualisation AS Textile Student

ALL: Problem Solving
Identify a list of problems that you will need to solve in order to create your final piece. Make notes in the back of your sketchbook.
Lingerie - how do you adapt square samples to corset shapes and straps?
Lampshade - you need to buy the shade! how will the panels connect visually? will you combine plain and patterned panels? What will these be made of? What shape will the lampshade be?

1. Complete the activities outlined for your chosen pathway
2. Research and find a piece of Fashion, Interior or Textile Art which clearly shows visually the final outcome you intend to create. Print a copy of the image(s)
3. Begin to present this weeks works as either 2-3 Final Design double pages in sketchbook OR 1xA2 Final Design Board 

DEADLINE: First lesson next week 

Monday, 4 November 2013

Lesson 22: Group Critique and Final Piece Discussion

Starter: Final Piece (student examples)
The following slideshow contains examples of previous students final outcomes for UNIT 3

You can access the slideshow HERE there are also more examples of student work on Moodle HERE 

Lesson Aims: To present your work to the group clarifying clearly your theme and intended outcome and to provide constructive praise and criticism to your peers in order to push progression. 

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Look at and discuss examples of previous students final outcomes
2. Present and discuss your work explaining your intended outcome 
3. Look at and discuss inspirational work by artists/designers to inspire final outcomes

10 MINUTES Final Piece (student examples) Starter

5 MINUTES Presentation prep 
make notes and ensure all work is ready to present! 

60 MINUTES Presentations
Present your sketchbook/boards to the group. Ensure you clearly explain the following:
  • Your theme
  • Key inspiration 
  • Key influences (artists/designers)
  • Main techniques/processes 
  • Intended Final Outcome 
15 MINUTES Artists/Designers 

The following slideshow has been created to give further inspiration for your intended outcomes…

You can access the slideshow, HERE 
There's also more inspiration on Moodle: Embroidery Artists, Fashion Designers, Textile Artists and PINTEREST.

DATES/TIMINGS for the rest of unit 3 
  • You have 11 weeks in total to design and create your final piece
  • 3-4 weeks to design, plan and create final samples
  • 1 week to write up your Essay (1500-2000 word evaluation of the project)
  • 6-7 weeks to create your final piece 
FINAL DEADLINE: January 30th/31st 2014