Monday, 9 September 2013

Lesson 5 and 6: Translating Fine Art to Stitch

Starter: Chosen picture
Present the work you have selected to use by your chosen Fine Artist to the group 

Lesson Aims: To translate your selected Fine Artists work into an embroidered sample demonstrating development of ideas informed by contextual research for AO1 and document this process for AO2 demonstrating the ability to review and refine your ideas and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. 

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Discuss the work of Embroider Anne Griffiths and textile artists Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn 
2. Document the ways in which you will translate your Fine Art work to fabric 
3. Create a fabric sample in response to a Fine Artists (A5-A4 in size)
4. Reflect on your progress by recording the challenges you overcame and the embroidered techniques used in depth


1. Discuss the work of Anne Griffiths 'Translating Fine Art into Embroidery' and Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn's techniques.

2. Select 1 painting from your artist and complete tasks 1-3  on the 'Translating Fine Art to Fabric' handout. You can download the handout, HERE.

3. Create a sample A5-A4 in size

4. Record the challenges you overcame and the embroidered techniques used in depth


1. Complete and present your Fine Artist research. You must research this artist in depth and write up your research in the same detail as your Cas Holmes research.

2. Complete your fabric sample

DEADLINE: Monday 23rd September 

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